
Wednesday 12 June 2013

A Message For The Despair-Stricken

Untie the chord that binds you to your present situation.
Revisit the city of confidence and reclaim your citizenship.
Afar off in the distance your dream beckons--"Come my
inventor i have more to bestow"
The situation of the present is choking and your vision is 
blinded by its smoke.

Thursday 16 May 2013


 If life is a story, the most important question to be raised is "who's running the plot?"  Life as it stands has been viewed from different lenses--each culture, people group or individual coming up with inferences that has the most appeal to their dedicated reasoning. As a traveler in this journey called life, I would only be showing prudence if I pause and have some reflections on what the journey I'm involved in is all about. I can't comfortably sit as a passenger if I'm less aware of what this journey's all about plus where I'm being driven to. In a sense, the beauty of life can be fully savored if from an elevated point of view I build perspectives. This also holds true for all travelers in life’s journey.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Our Fight For Acquittal

A depiction of Lady Justice
Taking a look at the human being from an elevated vantage point, we would be quick to notice how good we are in mimicking Lady Justice, the Roman goddess of justice. She has, from historic times, represented a symbol of of justice and fairness in a judicial system. One feature with which our resemblances match is the sword and scale she portrays. For us these are our most desired weaponry,self-made though they are. Suffice it to say then that in the business of our existence where guilt-stricken consciences can abound, a sword and a scale make up the trademark we portray. A sword, to slice off charges that come with spears against us, whether they come from within or outside us; and a scale, we use in measuring our actions against a self-made standard, and thus get justification for slaying the army of charges like a samurai.

Like a depiction  of this goddess we are. And this can be seen as a picture displayed in our minds like an art gallery. We strive to always wear and flaunt our guilty-free suits in the pool of morality.  In our bid to avoid the death sentence of guilt, we fight for acquittal with swords and scales. Our acquittal might indeed be just, but it all depends on the standard which our qualification for justification was based. To avoid misunderstanding, it should be noted that being free from the piercing fangs of guilt is highly recommended but a wrong course to such freedom must be recognized and strict adherence to the KEEP-OFF sign mounted on this course is encouraged. Through this course we travel if the standards we use for judging ourselves are consciously-or-unconsciously self-made.  Using their own scales, the liar says '' well, at least I don't steal", the thief says "well, at least I don't kill", the killer says "well, at least I don't rape women'', the rapist says ''well, at least I don't rape children". But evil seem 'good' or 'mild' if the standard we use is another evil. And this is just the point where we lose. This is the point where we must throw off our swords and scale, they fit better in the hands of Lady Justice-at least she's held them for years.

At the other side of the road is yet another course we should choose to travel through. This route is home to a standard called Truth. And if Truth is the standard, we only delay defeat if and when we try to stage a fight for our acquittal. Clearly, 'good' or 'mild' evil does not have a place in this land of Truth. Evil is evil and we all make up the pack of the guilty ones. But we must avoid getting back Lady Justice's sword and scale to fight off our charges and then justify ourselves. We must as well avoid getting drowned in the sea of guilt. We therefore should look to what has been offered. God, who is Truth, is the standard and by His standards we all fall short--we must know we do. But at the end of the tunnel He offers us a gift--Justification!    

Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Gift Of Time

Time is a gift. 
Today is a package given by time--the beautiful present.
The present was in the past seen as future, and with every 
passing seconds, gradually evolved to what we now experience.
Strides of second...
Bigger strides of minutes and hours--time makes gains
and sometimes not without challenging circumstances

Time is King.
We hope in it for the best in future, if our present
is not a gift we desire.
"Only time will tell" we profess
We look to this ageing friend and father.
An Old friend indeed, boasting of more years
than anyone that has ever lived.

Time is never an object of love or hate
It just is a conduit that carries a myriad of events and 
Although it sure do seem that time will last forever.
It is just an ageing buddy who'll eventually stop breathing.
At that point we would swim into what was before time stepped in.
We would then fully understand and then salute the one 
on whom time depends and draws sustenance

As we go on a cruise in time's ride
It sure would be only wise to at least take a quick glance
at who's on the wheels-- the one who orders time's line of direction
He just might capture our full attention.

Monday 29 April 2013


We often do hear that life is in phases. We all desire to scurry to a shelter of hope when it seems like the winds on the outside are unbearable and soul-wrecking. Sometimes we are set on stages to play roles we think we can't handle and thus it seem life isn't just fair, or we might wonder how better equipped is our weaponry for us to handle this warfare.

The biggest weapon that can be used against any person is discouragement. It breaks ranks and files of a massive army. It is a force of it's own, it drains the blood of it's victims until they are left for dead. No one is indeed immune from it's visitation. It sure is an unwanted companion, most likely, that stealthily moves alongside as life goes by. It sure would come visiting at most events in life, but whether we invite it in and let it take a leading role in our lives depends entirely on us. Life can indeed be viewed through the lenses it  provides, and staying on such focus is an act that will eventually birth disappointment and despair.

But we can take a stand today. We can choose what exactly to focus on. Hope is never far away. Hope is what our Creator has blended into the mix of this world. Hope brings joy and gives us a steady ground for a better focus. It is that great guard dog that keeps discouragement and despair far far away from our abode. But we must also remember that the strength of our hope is largely dependent on it's source.